A First Course in String Theory (Second Edition, 2009)


Available from Cambridge University Press.

If you find errors/typos or wish to suggest corrections,
write to Barton Zwiebach at  zwiebach@mit.edu

Corrections for the first edition (2004) are below, but have
not been updated since 2005.

Home page for Barton Zwiebach

Additional material of possible interest to instructors and students:

Here is our final test in 8.251, spring term of 2009, with solutions.

Corrections were last updated on 06/27/2013.

A First Course in String Theory (First Edition, 2004)


Corrections were last updated on 05/06/2005. No further updates will be done.
Corrections by date:

June 2004

         July 2004

 August 2004
         September 2004
October 2004
        February 2005

Corrections by page:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 23


Additional material of possible interest to instructors and students:

Here is the quiz that was given to students of 8.251 in the spring term of 2004.

Chapter 1
Concerning my citation of Biot-Savart (1820) in page 3,  Blake Stacey [MIT senior] wrote:
"For history's sake, it might be worth making clear that Jean Baptiste Biot (1774-1862) and Felix Savart (1791-1841) were two distinct people--say, by changing the hyphen to an "and".   Biot sure lived well:  the mica-based mineral biotite and a lunar crater are both named after him.  It doesn't look like Savart picked up as many honors."[8/18/04]

Chapter 2

After noting that the light-cone energy is (-p_+)  in (2.91) it may be useful to  emphasize to the
students that in a Lorentz frame (-p_0) is the energy. [6/14/04]

Some students find the discussion of orbifolds in the final paragraph of section 2.7 a little insufficient
to deal with problems 2.4 and 2.7.  A nice additional example that can be discussed in class is that of
a "cone" with angle at the apex equal to "2 pi/N". This orbifold is obtained by the identification  
z \sim z \exp(i 2 pi/N) on the complex coordinate z. [6/14/04]

Chapter 3

Question (by Andrew Mamo, MIT undergrad, on 12 Feb 2004):  When we saw how the gravitational constant G requires different units in different dimensions, I wondered why no similar constant is necessary for the electric field.  If the electric potential is analogous to the gravitational potential, and if the charge density has different units in different dimensions, why is there no need to have a dimension-specific constant to keep units matching, the way we had for gravity?
My reply: It is just a matter of convenience and the fact that charge is less familiar a concept than mass. The first hint for the answer is that (Quick Calculation 3.6) the units of charge *are* different in different dimensions.  So, it turns out that both sides of the equation  \laplacian Phi = - \rho    have the same units and no additional constant is needed. While the gravitational potential is defined to have the same units in all dimensions, the electric potential, which is energy per unit charge, has different units in different dimensions. Since charges have different units in different dimensions, if you are given a 5-dimensional charged particle, you have to do a nontrivial calculation to find the 4-dimensional effective charge after compactification. In gravity, we want to keep the units of mass the same in all dimensions (because of F= ma, which exists independent of gravity).  As a result, we had no choice but to have a dimensionality dependent Newton constant. [6/14/04]

A note on pedagogy.  In section 3.6 there is a very brief introduction to the language of General Relativity. I made no attempt to prove that Newtonian gravity arises as a limit of General Relativity.  This is because I did not want to delay the beginning of our study of strings. A point  relevant to the Newtonian limit comes up in problem 5.7. where the student derives the geodesic equation.  In  Chapter 10 we discuss gravity fields and graviton states in some detail.  An instructor that wishes to discuss the Newtonian limit to convince students that the h_{\mu\nu} field is the gravitational field, may find it useful to introduce this material as a digression, perhaps through problem sets. A recent pedagogical discussion can be found in Hartle's "Gravity" (see section 22.4).[8/16/04]

Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

It is stated at the bottom of page 98 that at any point on the world-sheet there are spacelike and timelike directions. There is, however, an exception.  For open strings any point on the boundaries of the world-sheet represents an open string endpoint. At any (free) open string endpoint we have a spacelike direction and a null direction (the tangent to the boundary), since the endpoint moves with the speed of light (section 6.9). There is no timelike direction. This is actually the situation considered in Quick calculation 6.3. [9/05/04, Thanks to James Snyder for the comment.]

Chapter 7

Problem 7.1, part (a) The hyperplane is not supposed to be a D-brane. As stated in the problem, the endpoints are completely free, as if we had a spacefilling D-brane. It is not true that an open string must lie at all times fully on a D-brane that does not fill space.[8/18/04]

An application of problem 7.3.  [03/07/05]

Consider a closed  string  that at time t=0 has zero velocity and is stretched along the
perimeter of a square of side L/4.  Choose a convenient set of coordinate axes and describe
$\vec{F}(u)$ and $\vec{F}'(u)$.  Explain why, at any time, the string is composed by a set of
piecewise linear parts.  Draw a few sketches showing the shape of the string as it contracts
down to zero size.

Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

        In the above list of "corrections" an extra hint has been added for  part (b) of  Problem 11.7 .

Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Problem 15.5.  The conservation of the string current in (15.11) holds only for closed strings. For open strings there are additional contributions to the string current that are needed to obtain conservation.  The statement of the problems is better modified from "..to the case of the string" to read "... to the case of a closed string".
Question [P. Jouvelot, 9/05/04]: Why is there no "Kalb-Ramond coupling constant" in the term (15.3) as there is one for electromagnetism in (15.1), via "q"?
Answer:In string theory there is no coupling that is independent of the string coupling g, so introducing a coupling with some different label in (15.3) could give a wrong impression. Any coupling that you may introduce in (15.3) is compatible with (15.4), where the second term has no coupling. This is because a rescaling of the Kalb-Ramond field B can be used to move the coupling from the second to the last term in (15.4), where it would simply affect what we call \kappa. As stated below (15.6), \kappa is a calculable function of g.  Note, incidentally, that in a similar spirit the charges at  the end of the string were conventionally chosen to be equal to plus or minus one in equation (15.54).
A little abuse of notation [9/10/04, P. Jouvelot] In page 323 there are two occurances where a repeated index is not supposed to be summed over.  In (15.68), there are three "m" indices -- the last one is not part of the sum.   On the line before (15.69), the two "m" indices are not summed over.

Chapter 16
Problem 16.6 has an important correction (see above). The partition function can be expressed in terms of the modified Bessel functions and its derivatives. The required asymptotic expansion is that of K_\nu without derivatives [9/14/04].

Chapter 17

Some modifications of p.387 were suggested above (see corrections) to clarify the discussion of electromagnetic duality. A useful (and quite brief) reference  is Deser, S. (1982).  ``Off-shell electromagnetic duality invariance," J. Phys.A:Math. Gen. {\bf 15} 1053. [03/07/05]       

Chapter 18

Comment [suggested by P. Jouvelot, 9/14/04].  In section 18.2, to obtain equation (18.28) we must use the fact that the group elements U_1 and U_2 (and their inverses) commute.  This is the case because they are complex numbers. The group U(1) is an abelian group: the multiplication is commutative.

Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23